Indies @ PAX East 2020 – Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon, Boyfriend Dungeon & More!
If it isn't the new Super Meat Boy.
NintendObserver’s select content on Kirk Scott.
NintendObserver’s select content on Kirk Scott.
If it isn't the new Super Meat Boy.
Le Indie World en français, si bien que même certains polices spéciales ont été traduites.
So long, Nindies Showcase. Indie World is here to stay.
They've had this Indie World event in Japan for a while, but it's the first they made a presentation with this format in the West. In a sense, this is the new Nindies Showcase.
One of the developers actually managed, for testing purposes, to beat the Impossible Lair right from the start. Here's a challenge then for speedrunners out there.
Joining Kirk for this installment, Katie made a previous public appearance on the Nintendo Power Podcast.
There's also Kirk Scott in here, Nintendo's resident indie guy.
It's Camille, from the Monopoly Gamer Nintendo Minute episodes! 😃
Am I the only who's impressed by how clear Kirk's voice is?
Kirk Scott in the house. First seen on the latest Nindies Showcase, I'm sure he played a very important role in Fortnite being on Nintendo Switch.
Oh hey there, Kirk.