Observations on Media Create for the Week of January 28, 2019 – February 3, 2019
Despite the recent shake-up, Nintendo Switch software still represent more than half of the games in charts.
NintendObserver’s select content on January 2019.
NintendObserver’s select content on January 2019.
Despite the recent shake-up, Nintendo Switch software still represent more than half of the games in charts.
Well that didn't last long.
I'll never forget what you did, Sora. (To be fair, that couldn't have happened if it wasn't also for Resident Evil 2.)
To be honest though, for such a high profile game, announced since 2013, not to reach a million at launch in its home country, on the current home console with the largest install base, somebody at Square Enix must be wishing that game launched on Nintendo Switch.
48 weeks. 48 WEEKS. SORA Y U DO DIS!!!!!!
Sora y u do dis. (Actually, now that I think about it, maybe we'll see him later in Smash Ultimate.)
Wargroove, Dragon Marked for Death Advanced Attackers & Frontline Fighters, Downwell, Etrian Odyssey Nexus.
Weird and Wonderful Sale, Dragon Marked for Death, Downwell, Wargroove.
Just like the 3DS in its heydays, the Switch still represents half of the best-selling titles in this slowest month of the year.
If Kingdom Hearts III doesn't stop the Switch's streak I don't think anything can.
I really didn't expect Ace Combat 7 to pull sales of over 200,000 units.
SMITE, Pikuniku, Unruly Heroes, Goat Simulator The GOATY, When Ski Lifts Go Wrong.
Mario & Luigi Bowser’s Inside Story + Bowser Jr.’s Journey, Cursed Castilla, FutureGrind, Goat Simulator The GOATY, Pikuniku, Sleep Tight, Swords & Soldiers, Unruly Heroes, When Ski Lifts Go Wrong.
While most of the games that came back in charts were on PS4, most of the games that left were on Nintendo Switch.
The holiday season's annual sales boom is now entirely over.
And this one's for Peachette.
Travis Strikes Again No More Heroes, YIIK A Postmodern RPG.
Travis Strikes Again, Gunman Clive HD Collection, Onimusha Warlords, YIIK.
It's gonna be two years now and to my knowledge, Breath of the Wild never left the Japanese Top 20 since its launch.