Pokémon The Movie: “Koko” – Japanese “Show Window” Theme Song Preview
When the latest Mythical Pokémon is actually the "father" of a castaway human being.
NintendObserver’s select content on jams.
NintendObserver’s select content on jams.
When the latest Mythical Pokémon is actually the "father" of a castaway human being.
...She's so kyute... 😱
So in Dragalia Lost, they got to fight against Thórr... I don't think that has happened yet in Fire Emblem Heroes. 🤭
"Mad Rat Alive" is the one that stucks in my mind the most.
Bump Of Chicken - Acacia.
There's "Termination" in the OST. If you're about that RPG music you gotta listen to it.
As soon as the Industrial Era kicks in it sounds like an Avengers movie.
FamilyJules. Family jewels. Now I get it.
For a peaceful adventure.
These are the songs you'll listen to as you'll turn ever corner of the map into a church.
They posted it first on their Japanese account but hey, never say no to music.
Over 170 songs. It'd be fun to compare the themes of Bowser's stages from Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Galaxy.
Versus Red, Versus Cynthia and Versus Kanto Gym Leaders.
Chucklefish's foray in the lo-fi business. 😉
Given their recent announcement at PlayStation I now have no choice but to worry about their delivery on Nintendo Switch. 😐
In finesse.
It's true. Shy guys are indeed the last to finish. 😏
The type of tracks you could hear on Funky Way FM. 😁
And DJ Toad be like "TH'OW 'EM UP, TH'OW 'EM UP!!!! I CAN'T SEE YA!!!!" 😁
Soothing from start to finish. 🙂