A Preview of Ace Attorney 6 via Gematsu: ‘Ace Attorney 6 launches June 9 in Japan’
Prosecutors Miles Edgeworth and Klavier Gavin are also set to appear in the game.
NintendObserver’s select content on Gematsu.
NintendObserver’s select content on Gematsu.
Prosecutors Miles Edgeworth and Klavier Gavin are also set to appear in the game.
Whether it’s for wealth and honor, or to satisfy your sense of adventure, you’ll challenge the labyrinths and aim for the top of the World Tree.
Four races and ten classes confirmed.
Just like its prequel, the game revolves essentially around Detective and Courtroom Parts.
"A trial is a ritual to mourn the soul of the victim."
So that's the Pikachu project they were talking about a long time ago.
Ace Attorney 5's character makes a reappearance.
Ad-Lib Performance, Special Performance and Duo Arts.
Welcome to Nintendo Account.
Please, pretty please, bring it to the West.
Ace Attorney 6 has been confirmed for the West via Ace Attorney's official Twitter account.
FE characters -- "Mirages" -- in SMTxFE come from the first Fire Emblem and from its Awakening sequel.
The sequel to FLying FAiry.
400 km². Fully seamless.
Smartphone phenomenon meets icon of dedicated gaming.
Bolstering the looks of a touching RPG.
Teaming with the greatest persona in fictional investigations.
It'd be cool if they could bring that free promotion to the West if the game ends up coming here.
October 30 now confirmed, only on the eShop.
The GamePad will be a core element of the game.