Fire Emblem Heroes – New Heroes (Desert Mercenaries) Trailer
Finally, Hel is no more.
NintendObserver’s select content on Fire Emblem Heroes for smart devices.
NintendObserver’s select content on Fire Emblem Heroes for smart devices.
Finally, Hel is no more.
His special comes from Njörun the Crusader, with whom he shares lineage.
Now with a bow, guaranteed to attack twice no matter the context.
Nintendo of America sharing Beorc-supremacist material. (I'm kidding.)
Hopefully this time it's lights out for Líf.
Catria, Forsythe, Python, Silque and Valbar.
Do it for the Orbs. You know you'll need them.
Enters the first Duo Hero.
"Only L'Arachel could make swirly-eyed spectacles look so chic!" ❤️
Fire Emblem Three Houses made me stop playing, so I'll have to assume that Thrasir has now been defeated in the story.
Apparently both Fire Emblem Mystery of the Emblem and New Mystery of the Emblem were actually a single game in their iteration as the first Fire Emblem game in the franchise.
Straight outta Mystery of the Emblem.
Too bad I had to stop playing Heroes to focus on Three Houses.
Virtuous Naga.
It's kinda funny how cutely they allude to the heart of the game's business model.
Each of these Brave Heroes represents the ending of their respective game: Echoes, Radiant Dawn, Conquest and Blazing Blade.
They say heavy is the head that wears a crown.
Queen of Nohr, I choose you. ❤️
The only character I despise here is Hubert. ...For good reasons.
More Three Houses up in here.