Enters Fire Emblem Heroes’s Choose Your Legends Round 4
NintendObserver’s select content on Fire Emblem Heroes for smart devices.
NintendObserver’s select content on Fire Emblem Heroes for smart devices.
I see what you did there... or do I? The eponymous movie may have launched in 2018, and the original Tokyo Mirage Sessions game in 2015, but truth be told, the first "A Star Is Born" movie dates from 1937.
They've also included art from the Tokyo Mirage Sessions characters in Fire Emblem Heroes.
Shannan, Altena, Ced and Larcei.
One of the antagonists is included as well.
It's so cute how even they don't know what they're talking about. (The developers however are from Japan so for them Hoshidan culture is common knowledge.)
Don't forget Lethe and Selkie, too.
And I think that's Anna's first alternate playable version in the game.
And she can pair up with Legendary Alm too!! ❤️
Dimitri. The rest is conversation.
So that's Marth and his older sister. I was wondering who was trying to make Caeda jealous. 😁
Book IV takes place in Ljósálfheimr, the realm of dreams, and chronicles the journey of the Order of Heroes as it confronts the mysterious denizens of Dökkálfheimr, the realm of nightmares.
My heart draws a dream.
I kinda cheated for the thumbnail because I really wanted to put Peony in a better light.
It's actually a surprise because, every sign in the game seemed to go in the direction of a new book centered around Loki and Thórr but instead, Thórr gets the new special event and we're now being met with entirely new characters.
Everything from software update 4.0.0 as Fire Emblem Heroes makes its biggest reveal of the year.
This might be the first time ever that a main character in a Fire Emblem game is a dancer.
The one who can wield both Ike's and the Black Knight's swords at the same time.
Wondering what Thórr and Loki are cooking for Book IV. (And about that other character they mentioned in Røkkr Sieges...)
A reenaction of Hel's final moments.