Fire Emblem If – Japanese Screenshots from Famitsu
Please tell me Fire Emblem If launches early 2016 in the West, Nintendo.
NintendObserver’s select content on Fire Emblem Fates for Nintendo 3DS.
NintendObserver’s select content on Fire Emblem Fates for Nintendo 3DS.
Please tell me Fire Emblem If launches early 2016 in the West, Nintendo.
So epics.
Japan's getting the new Fire Emblem the week right after E3.
I've never seen as much content available between missions in the entire Fire Emblem franchise.
Three new weapon types for an evolved weapon system.
"Phoenix" mode.
No idea if we're getting the bundle in the West but, these look so good. 🙂
A translation of the recent 4Gamer interview with the team developing the new Fire Emblem in Japan.
You can see in their eyes the fate of a war they never wished to see happening.
Hoshido. Nohr.
Story by the author of the manga Get Backers.
The spiritual sequel to Fire Emblem Awakening we've all been waiting for.