Nintendo Q2 FY3/2017: Consolidated Financial Forecast
"Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing applications will follow the release of Super Mario Run in series."
NintendObserver’s select content on financial forecasts.
NintendObserver’s select content on financial forecasts.
"Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing applications will follow the release of Super Mario Run in series."
Investors didn't get dividends this time around, but are expected to get more than originally planned at the end of the fiscal year.
The fiscal year's forecast has been lowered.
They really no longer mention the Wii U in their forecasts, even though it still has a few games on its way.
Basically, Nintendo met expectations, and exchange rates made them more money than expected.
Sales performance drives lower operating income, while exchange rate means higher net income.
3DS at 50.41 M, Wii U at 9.20 M as of December 31, 2014. New forecasts included.
The forecast remains unchanged as Nintendo strives to re-create a profit structure.
Gearing it big with the likes of Hyrule Warriors, Bayonetta 2, Pokémon ORAS, and Super Smash Bros. for the holidays.
"The net sales were lower than expected due to the fact that the sales units of the 'Nintendo 3DS' hardware, and the 'Wii U' hardware and software did not reach their expected levels."
Nintendo’s 74th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is planned to be held on June 27, 2014.