Weekly Nintendo eShop Downloads – April 16, 2015 (Europe)
Eliott Quest, Pandora's Tower, StreetPass Fishing, StreetPass Zombies.
NintendObserver’s select content on European downloads.
NintendObserver’s select content on European downloads.
Eliott Quest, Pandora's Tower, StreetPass Fishing, StreetPass Zombies.
Affordable Space Adventures, Pokémon Rumble World, Quell Memento.
Xenoblade Chronicles 3D. The rest is conversation.
Inazuma Eleven GO Chrono Stones, Trine Enchanted Edition, Adventure Bar Story, Mega Man Zero 3.
Mario Party 10, Mario vs Donkey Kong Tipping Stars, Castlevania Aria of Sorrow.
The Fall, Punch-Out, 3D Out Run, Metroid Zero Mission.
OlliOlli cross-buy, Blok Drop X Twisted Fusion, Tengami for 4 euros.
Hyrule Warriors Boss Pack DLC, and a whole lot of sales on Nintendo 3DS.
Kirby Adventure Wii, Castlevania, Ghosts 'N Ghouls and a whole lot of Activision, WB and Atlus sales.
Blek, Ace Combat, Fantasy Zone, Kirby Deluxe standalones, Nintendo Anime Channel... Lots and lots of content.
Shantae and the Pirate's Curse, Mega Man Zero 2, MH4U demo, Curve Digital sales.
Gunman Clive 2, Majora's Mask Pack, Metroid Prime Trilogy.
Citizens of the Earth, DK invades the Wii U VC.
Some truly epic Nintendo sales right there.
Chariot, and Crunchyroll in Europe.
Captain Toad, F-Zero GP Legend and Fire Emblem Sacred Stones for this upcoming new year.
Duck Hunt, Mega Man Zero and big time holiday sales wish you a merry Christmas.
Art of Balance demo, Metal Gear 3DS theme, Fractured Soul is on sale.
Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney Trilogy, lots and lots of holiday sales.
Mario, Animal Crossing and Sonic themes.