Weekly Nintendo eShop Downloads – November 3, 2016 (Europe)
SEGA 3D Classics Collection, F-Zero X on Wii U VC.
NintendObserver’s select content on European downloads.
NintendObserver’s select content on European downloads.
SEGA 3D Classics Collection, F-Zero X on Wii U VC.
Just Dance 2017, Corpse Party, Gurumin 3D.
Project Zero 2 Wii Edition on Wii U VC, Rhythm Paradise Megamix, Pokémon Sun & Moon Special Demo Version.
Chase Cold Case Investigation Distant Memories, Disney Magical World 2.
Paper Mario Color Splash, PING 1.5+, Ninja Pizza Girl, Mario Party Star Rush, Breath of Fire I & II on New 3DS VC.
Soul Axiom, SteamWorld Heist on Wii U, Azure Striker Gunvolt 2, River City Tokyo Rumble, Sonic Boom Fire & Ice.
Noitu Love Devolution, Severed.
Metroid Prime Hunters, Just Dance 2017 Demo, Dragon Quest VII, Futuridium EP Deluxe.
Jotun, Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Spirit of Justice, Final Fight games on New 3DS VC.
Axiom Verge, Inazuma Eleven The Movie, Metroid Prime Federation Force.
Armikrog, Spirit of Justice demo.
StreetPass Mii Plaza sale, Mega Man X offer, Splatoon Summer Testfire 2016, Pokémon Snap.
Super Paper Mario, Mega Man X2 and X3 on Virtual Console.
Lots of Wii U sales it seems.
Street Fighter SNES buy two get one for free.
Buddy & Me, Toon Tanks, A Shadow's Tale, Wind-up Knight 2 and a couple of demos.
Disney Art Academy, Monster Hunter Generations, Mega Man 7 and X on New 3DS VC, Star Fox Zero and Star Fox Guard demos.
Professor Layton and the Eternal Diva, along with a handful of themes and a couple of Fire Emblem Fates DLC.
LEGO Star Wars The Force Awakens, BoxBoxBoy, Teddy Together, Zero Escape Zero Time Dilemma.
Mario & Sonic on Wii U, Mighty No. 9, Tokyo Mirage Sessions, Style Boutique and Majora's Mask on Wii U VC...