Dragon Quest XI S and Dragon Quest Builders 2 now sold at lower prices
Just like they did in Japan at the same time.
NintendObserver’s select content on Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition for Nintendo Switch.
NintendObserver’s select content on Dragon Quest XI S: Echoes of an Elusive Age – Definitive Edition for Nintendo Switch.
Just like they did in Japan at the same time.
...Because the game is expected to have a new lower price all around once it launches on other platforms.
I think I get it. Nintendo has so many games these days, they need to keep them in people's mind even long after their releases.
C'est grâce au doublage que Okamoto-san s'est mis à apprécier Séréna.
An accolades trailer in disguise. One could argue even Nintendo knows they're getting old.
Ils n'ont pas tant fait attention, il y a au moins une portion de la vidéo qui est toujours en anglais.
Lancez-vous dans une quête épique en Elréa aux côtés de l'Éclairé.
I feel like Sylvando sounds more European in English (obviously), but hotter in Japanese.
"Favorite Nintendo game world: "Astral Chain." 👀
I'm just here for Jade. (There's Sylvando, too.)
Literally each the locations here are presented under these two styles.
Let's be real, they'll never really spill the secret of what gave their franchise such an extraordinary longevity.
If you manage to take down the Black Dragon, you'll get to see a special event scene.
The noble martial artist and the mysterious old man.
The twin sisters.
The hot guys.
TV mode, handheld mode. HD, 2D. The choice is yours.
Dragon Quest est de retour en apothéose sur consoles Nintendo.
En voici un petit aperçu pour vous mettre l'eau à la bouche.
Yuji Horii: "The definitive Dragon Quest XI S experience has arrived on Nintendo Switch."