Dragalia Lost – Meene and Midgardsormr Zero Appear in Gala Dragalia! (September 2020)
The Motherly Faerie and the Primal Stormbearer.
NintendObserver’s select content on Dragalia Lost for smart devices.
NintendObserver’s select content on Dragalia Lost for smart devices.
The Motherly Faerie and the Primal Stormbearer.
"I must save my kindly brother—the one with me in the here and now!"
Before dragonpacts were even a thing.
New graphics, new weapon type, new mode...
The Forgotten Truths raid event ends on October 11.
Two years, 2.0.
Main campaign chapters 15 to 18 are a-coming.
Incognito Nefaria and Horus.
Gala Thor and friends available until September 3.
"I must save him... My kind brother."
Yukata Cassandra and Yukata Curran.
Summer Sinoa and Summer Konohana Sakuya tag along to bring the hotness. 👌
"Due to COVID-19 prevention measures, the English voice for Summer Patia will be implemented at a later date."
In case you're wondering, the picture is from the blog post. 😉
Gala Cat Sìth, accompanied with "Izuku," "Maribelle" and "the Blue-Eyed White Dragon."
Chaos in the Capital, now playable since June 21.
The Selfie Addict and the Taciturn Warrior.
I'm just here for Tie Shan Gongzhu.
The Lord of the Skies, the Ravenous Researcher and the Winged Rebel.
Tiki and her Divine Dragon form.