NCL: ‘Nintendo Announces Mobile Game Partnership with Line Corporation and a New Game for Smart Devices’
Dr. Mario World's official press release.
NintendObserver’s select content on the Dr. Mario franchise.
NintendObserver’s select content on the Dr. Mario franchise.
Dr. Mario World's official press release.
Coming early summer 2019.
What about the Bayonetta 2 soundtrack.
That was a lot...
I'm starting to think that Nintendo-published sales will gradually become My Nintendo exclusives.
The NES Classic Edition's counterpart now confirmed for Japan.
A taste of the Arakawa days.
Relive past glories, defeat the boss you could never beat, or simply enjoy the classic titles of yesteryear anew.
What’s old is new again with the Nintendo Entertainment System: NES Classic Edition.
Nintendo of Europe’s monthly update with Dr. Mario Miracle Cure, Xeodrifter, Don't Starve and more.
Dr. Mario Miracle Cure is now available in every region.
Le Dr Mario du Direct Micro sort aujourd'hui sur Nintendo 3DS.
Ici se trouvent les infos européennes du Direct Micro. Le mode pro de Splatoon commence là tout de suite à 4h du mat'.
Last Sunday's Japanese Direct made into a surprising format in the West.
Full Japanese title translates to "Dr. Mario Gyakuten! Silver Bullet & Bacteria Eradication."