Brawlhalla – Battle Pass Season 1 Trailer
Another proof that Fortnite changed the free-to-play model forever.
NintendObserver’s select content on DLC.
NintendObserver’s select content on DLC.
Another proof that Fortnite changed the free-to-play model forever.
Up for purchase until June 2.
"We want to stress that Ninjala is not a 'pay to win' game!"
Be nice to each other.
The Isle of Armor is just around the corner.
Completing the final tier in the Gold Track unlocks Hattori's Epic Skin, but to get there, players can earn gems – via General, Daily, and Weekly missions – to progress through the tiers within either track.
Starting May 22, 2020, there will be a new Mystery Gift each week, each containing a Pokémon—Galarian Mr. Mime, Galarian Ponyta, Galarian Corsola, and Galarian Meowth—along with a variety of items.
Kakkoii. Omoshiroi. Subarashi. Make your pick.
The Legendary Edition contains the Elves, Rogues, and Rifts DLC.
It all starts on May 21 with the Maya & Gran Colombia Pack.
Sigh... So hot. DLC out on May 13.
May 22. Making 9,000 look like a thing of the past.
Experience the story beyond the fall of Kronika.
You know a lot of people would loved to have these Animal Crossing Joy-Cons... 👀
The full rundown on The Archives Tome III.
They messed with the wrong mother. But hey. Surely every mom should do the exact same thing.
With a short look at the Art Viewer mode which provides concept art from development.
PuckStravanganza, Floaty Frenzy, Desperate Measures. The Amazing Luigi, Cap’n Weegee, Paleontoluigist.
A primer on the Ninjala Season Pass, Ninjala's seasons and how to power-up your characters.
Character Pass 2 will also be available on Nintendo Switch.