NoA: ‘Fire up your mech—Daemon X Machina is out now!’
E3 2018's opener, now on your Nintendo Switch system.
NintendObserver’s select content on Daemon X Machina for Nintendo Switch.
NintendObserver’s select content on Daemon X Machina for Nintendo Switch.
E3 2018's opener, now on your Nintendo Switch system.
Control your mech through the beginning of the game, and carry over all of your progress to the full game.
When his eyes light up. Kakkoii.
A history of war.
Utilisez le décor à votre avantage.
A taste of how to proceed.
Feu, acide, foudre, vos options sont diverses.
Pas d'Arsenal ? Pas de soucis !
Sous-titré en français, c'est ça qu'est bon.
Des vignettes express pour mettre la hype.
The first reveal of Mission Zero, an animated prequel to Daemon X Machina.
With in-game items as bonuses.
They really do look like the mechs in Xenoblade Chronicles X.
So that's how it all started.
That Arsenal is not to be messed with.
Friendly reminder: September 13. So two weeks after Astral Chain.
Nintendo of Europe shared this before during E3. Again: Daemon X Machina has gyro.
Only in Europe as far as I'm concerned.
C'est le trailer des reclaimers qu'ils avaient publié en japonais pendant l'E3. Du coup j'ai modifié le titre pour qu'il fasse plus de sens.
Going multiplayer up in here.