Observations on Media Create for the Week of August 25, 2014 – August 31, 2014
Your weekly address of Wii U outselling PS4 in Japan.
NintendObserver’s select content on August 2014.
NintendObserver’s select content on August 2014.
Your weekly address of Wii U outselling PS4 in Japan.
Yeah, I think I'm gonna keep my tagline.
Yokai Watch 2 be like: 'I am... defeated!!!'
Your weekly address of Wii U outselling PS4 in Japan: personally, I'm starting to need a new tagline.
As always, 3DS and Wii U best selling handheld and console.
Triple-A titles.
I've been using these Yokai Watch 2 featured images for way too long...
Mercedes Benz x Mario Kart 8 and SteamWorld Dig Wii U with a promotion.
31 out of 50 charting titles on Nintendo consoles and your weekly address of Wii U outselling PS4 in Japan.
There are as many Wii games as there are PS4 games in the top 50 this week.
Disney Infinity for free, your weekly Mega Man on Wii U, and lots of sales.
Wii U pulling Mario Kart 8 launch numbers at 18K with the release of Hyrule Warriors in Japan.
A demo for Tomodachi Life available directly from the eShop.
More Wii U games charting than PS4's, and your weekly address of Wii U outselling PS4 in Japan.
Wii U gaining a 40% boost with Hyrule Warriors incoming. (Zelda Musou in Japan.)
Your weekly Mega Man on Wii U Virtual Console.
Wii U sells more than PS4 and PS3 combined this past week in Japan.
Mega Man 3, Ubisoft eShop sales.
Ain't no stopping the 3DS and your weekly address of Wii U outselling PS4 in Japan.
Wii U rising, Brawl on the rise.