Attack on Titan 2 – Showdown Mode
1v1 Titan takedowns.
NintendObserver’s select content on Attack on Titan 2 for Nintendo Switch.
NintendObserver’s select content on Attack on Titan 2 for Nintendo Switch.
1v1 Titan takedowns.
Who among your friends is the best Titan killer?
Outfits for Christa, Erwin, Mikasa, and I don't really remember her name...
Played on the Switch. Nice of them for doing so.
...That mode is just nasty imo.
Yeah, yeah, we know how it works.
Love on the battlefield.
I'll just take this opportunity to say the day Mikasa dies is the day I'll stop watching Attack on Titan.
OMGs it's the actual voice of Mikasa.
This is definitely the trailer they're promoting ahead of the game's upcoming release.
Meanwhile at Levi's.
I'm sure I've seen some of these footage before, I think they've mostly cut them in a different way.
Some of the costumes are platform-specific, but a good number of them have been confirmed in the West on the News application on Nintendo Switch.
Along with the story featured in the anime, the game also proposes an original story starring your own character.
These outfits match the characters' personalities pretty well.
Apparently they're even working on a mode where you get to play as a regular Titan.
You can even play in Titan form with some characters.
When the Titans are not around.
I just can't wait for Season 3 of the anime. 😃
I'm positive Mikasa's scarf inspired the design of Poppi in Xenoblade Chronicles 2.