Fortnite: ‘Battle Royale Update – What’s New in 11.10’
Soccer Zombie Outfits, the Storm King Fist Pickaxe, the Cryptic Curse Bundle and so much more.
NintendObserver’s select content on artworks.
NintendObserver’s select content on artworks.
Soccer Zombie Outfits, the Storm King Fist Pickaxe, the Cryptic Curse Bundle and so much more.
Backstory on Sierra and Arlo before the big showdown.
As soon as Halloween's over, it's time to gear up for Christmas.
Nintendo of America sharing Beorc-supremacist material. (I'm kidding.)
Select retailers in the US, United Kingdom, France, and Germany will include a gift code for an in-game Merry Mint Pickaxe free with any purchase of an officially licensed Fortnite product while supplies last.
The first of many cliffhangers.
G-Max Befuddle. Choose your status.
G-Max Gold Rush. Da truth be told, that's an Halloween Pokémon right here.
G-Max Cuddle. Cuteness intensifies.
G-Max Wildfire. Making regular Charizard look like a Charmander in comparison.
G-Max Volt Crash. It's pretty much literally the design of the original #25.
Gigantamax Meowth as a pre-order bonus, with Gigantamax Pikachu and Gigantamax Eevee for those who played the Let's Go games.
But most importantly, here's the face of Athena.
Catria, Forsythe, Python, Silque and Valbar.
Soon enough, people in the land will all know about the Fairy Tail guild. (...Which is currently ranking at 153rd.)
You really get the sense that the character designer is the same one who worked on Devil Survor 2 Record Breaker.
Onii-chan vibes.
The Featured Hub, Lock and Button Devices, Haunted House Prefabs and a lot more.
The literally killed the game's servers and their social media presence for days in anticipation for this announcement.
Replacing The Block.