Pokémon: ‘The Battles Are Over in the City by the Bay’

NintendObserverThe 2017 Pokémon World Championships will take place in Anaheim, California. 


☆ NintendObs Event – Pokémon World Championships 2016.

Pokémon World Championships 2016



Pokémon World Championships 2016

The Battles Are Over in the City by the Bay

That’s all from San Francisco, California at the 2016 Pokémon World Championships.


August 21, 2016


The 2016 Pokémon World Championships have concluded here in San Francisco! Congratulations to all of our new Pokémon TCG, Video Game, and Pokkén Tournament World Champions. You represent the best of the best, from your expert play to your incredible sportsmanship and camaraderie. And congratulations to everyone who competed in the Pokémon World Championships and for making this event one for the ages. Meet the 2016 Pokémon TCG World Champions and Video Game World Champions.

In the closing ceremonies, GAME FREAK director Junichi Masuda and The Pokémon Company president Tsunekazu Ishihara presented trophies to all of our Pokémon TCG and video game finalists. Then, the location of the 2017 Pokémon World Championships was announced. Next year’s big event will take place in Anaheim, California! Check back for dates and specific location. Start playing in 2017 Championship Series events for your chance to play at the 2017 Pokémon World Championships.


Congratulations once more to everyone who joined the fun here in San Francisco at the 2016 Pokémon World Championships. Be sure to check Pokemon.com/Strategy for coverage from the weekend and for continuing post-event coverage.


Pokémon World Championships 2016


— Pokémon News
Source: Pokémon.



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