Weekly Top 50 Media Create Charts (November 28, 2016 – December 4, 2016)
FFXV pushed PS4 ahead of 3DS again.
FFXV pushed PS4 ahead of 3DS again.
Final Fantasy XV taking the lead in Japan.
3DS on top once more.
Sun & Moon still ruling in Japan.
And the 3DS takes it back.
Pokémon Sun & Moon counting the millions in Japan.
Numbers from the launch of the PS4 Pro.
Fate/Extella staying the night in Japan.
3DS and PS4 had literally less than a thousand units of difference.
Call of Duty Infinite Warfare takes over Japan.
PS4 still on top.
It's all about Sword Art Online.
And of course, the numbers for the PSVR have simply vanished from all records.
Battlefield 1 securing the Japanese airspace.
The launch of the PlayStation VR in Japan (and worldwide).
Monster Hunter Stories still on top.
Monster Hunter Stories wasn't enough to push the 3DS ahead of PS4 that week.
The anointment of Monster Hunter Stories.
PS4 on top for a third week in a row.
FIFA on top in Japan.