Fortnite: ‘Bug Fixes In Creative – v13.40’
Renamed the Arena Island to Fortilla Island, and added Debris Island.
Renamed the Arena Island to Fortilla Island, and added Debris Island.
Some of the weirdest championships you've ever seen.
"COVID-19 has flipped the script on humanity." I disagree with this initial assessment, and it's something I really want to point out. What COVID-19 really did is reveal how the rulers in charge in Western countries cannot do the job that justifies their privilege in the eyes of the people. And now companies such as Niantic (and everyday people for that matter) are forced to adapt.
The Mythical Pokémon Deoxys in its Normal Forme will be appearing in five-star raids, and if you're lucky, you might even encounter a Shiny Deoxys.
Isn't that the season where Serena is in love with Ash? 😍
If only it did run until August 16.
It all came down to this.
The best you can earn are 3 Gold Bottle Caps, 600 Battle Points and 30 Armorite Ores.
CrossCode. ...And Carrion is super creepy.
Nintendo's next big title is revealed.
Get a taste of Stray Sheep on the stage this Friday.
Diplo returning to the show on his own this time.
All in-game content should be submitted to the official form for consideration by August 18.
Scraggy is now available as a Research Breakthrough encounter all through the month of August.
The makeup event will be held on Sunday, August 16 from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. local time.
Magikarp on August 8. With Aqua Tail as the exclusive move.
Basically, most of these changes would not have been necessary in the original Wii U version. 🙃
From Friday, July 31 to Friday, August 7.
You may now watch Zeraora on any device.
Type skills have been added, so if you have two or more sync pairs of the same type, they will activate a bonus effect that strengthens your team.