Pokémon: ‘Pokémon Go’s November Community Day Features Chimchar and a Special Move’
As an inside joke I hope the exclusive move is Acrobatics.
As an inside joke I hope the exclusive move is Acrobatics.
From November 1 to November 4, Regirock, Regice, and Registeel will be available to encounter in five-star raids.
Players who qualify will receive a flat Travel Award amount prior to the event. Players will now be fully responsible for booking their own hotel and travel.
The nefarious Team Go Rocket will be busy this Halloween, too.
Itchur man Lappy. 🙂
I'm... starting to think Nintendo is keeping their focus on Link's Awakening for some kind of BotW2 reveal at The Game Awards 2019. (I have that same feeling about PlatinumGames and Astral Chain for Bayonetta 3, btw.)
The new Ring-Con and Leg Strap accessories respond to your real-world movements, allowing the game to turn them into in-game actions.
Wii Fit's spiritual successor, ready for action.
The reason why you don't see Katie on the thumbnail is because ever since the last Indie World showcase, she turned into a disembodied voice.
Fortnite now born again.
Overwatch Legendary Edition now on Nintendo Switch.
The Witcher 3, now on Nintendo Switch.
In addition to Brawlhalloween, PS4 players can now participate in platform-wide cross-play, meaning all Brawlhalla players can fight against each other regardless of platform.
Over 327,000 Trainers from all over the world joined us at New Taipei City, walking 4.5 million km and catching a total of 50 million Pokémon.
The recent Sun & Moon—Unified Minds expansion for the Pokémon Trading Card Game features these two Pokémon joining forces, and to commemorate the occasion, there's now a special channel devoted to the pair on Pokémon TV.
A recap of the game's reveals ahead of its launch in less than a month from now.
Did somebody say "malasada?"
Thanksgiving is a-coming after all.
You'll find Pokémon Center London at Westfield London, located at Ariel Way, Shepherd's Bush, London, W12 7GF in the United Kingdom.
"Instead of recreating the game with very modern graphics, we aimed to capture the simple universality that the pixel graphics of the time had."