Nintendo FY3/2014 Financial Results Briefing, Part 1: Introduction and Priorities
"We incurred temporary one-off expenses from the purchase of technology that we did not expect at the beginning of the fiscal year."
"We incurred temporary one-off expenses from the purchase of technology that we did not expect at the beginning of the fiscal year."
Still over 1,000,000 million yen in total net assets.
"The net sales were lower than expected due to the fact that the sales units of the 'Nintendo 3DS' hardware, and the 'Wii U' hardware and software did not reach their expected levels."
Nintendo’s 74th Annual General Meeting of Shareholders is planned to be held on June 27, 2014.
"Nintendo places the highest emphasis on providing consumers with innovative entertainment that has never been experienced."
"Regarding 'Nintendo DS' the global sales of its hardware and software were 0.13 million and 10.29 million units respectively."
Pokémon, Mario Kart, Super Mario, Animal Crossing, Luigi, Nintendogs, The Legend of Zelda, Paper Mario, Mario & Luigi, Tomodachi: million-sellers.
Super Mario, Nintendo Land, Luigi, Wii Party, The Legend of Zelda: million-sellers.
Wii U: hardware 6.17M, software 32.28M. Nintendo 3DS: hardware 43.33M, software 162.92M.