Fire Emblem Heroes – Feh Channel (Feb. 1, 2019)
Detailing all the events celebrating the game's second-year anniversary.
Detailing all the events celebrating the game's second-year anniversary.
Status: currently waiting for SteamWorld Quest.
Indie World's second installment. In Japan as well, Nintendo is fostering the Nindies community.
Book III's highly anticipated "Nintendo Direct."
Aether Raids, but most importantly, Book III's a-comin'.
Kirby : La lueur du monde.
Kirby though. The man who saved Smash Bros. ...I mean, the breadth of the attack could be felt at the scope of the universe.
The September Direct in Japanese. Long live Animal Crossing.
Au cause du délai, une bonne partie des annonces avaient déjà été révélées, mais le principal a eu l'effet d'un coup de tonnerre.
Begins with Luigi's Mansion 3. Ends with Animal Crossing on Nintendo Switch. What left is there to cry for?
It is worth noting that the game has yet to have been announced in Europe.
Am I the only who's impressed by how clear Kirk's voice is?
Death Blow 4. "That's a lot of death for the peace-loving Celica!!!!"
Nintendo of Europe's kickoff for gamescom 2018.
Le mode entraînement a été complètement refait.
Get ready for the Smash of a lifetime.
The latest "Fire Emblem Heroes Direct" with the introduction of new features, such as the Forging Bonds events.
Le Nintendo Direct E3 2018 en français.
Dayum, I was so busy with all these articles I nearly forgot to post the full show.
Nintendo's very first Japanese Nindies Showcase.