Japanese Nintendo Switch Hands-On Experience 2017 – Mario Kart 8 Deluxe on the Main Stage
A new lobby for multi-Switch local play.
A new lobby for multi-Switch local play.
Rayan vs. Shidou.
They managed to keep it as hardcore as the original while making the game even more balanced.
They actually did it. 😃
Unfortunately, they had to take down day two because of streaming issues.
Nintendo Switch nail art, girl, that's what's up. 🙂
Super, ils ont sous-titré le tout en français.
They had streaming issues around the beginning. Hopefully they'll end up posting each of the segments in adequate quality.
March 3, 2017. $299.99 with everything included but the Pro Controller.
They won the last battle with a little 4.2% lead.
Dynameu takes it home.
Say Yes to Nintendo 3DS.
That clutch though.
The Japanese took it home.
Suicune Master's victory.
They just came back and cleaned house in the last minute.
NeonMonster wins.
Congrats, Zuri! Hopefully we'll see TriForce on this picture in March for the Nintendo Switch. 🙂
They just won that in a landslide.