Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Rescue Team DX – Japanese Overview Trailer
The Pokémon Company made a similarly-named trailer before but this one is from Nintendo.
The Pokémon Company made a similarly-named trailer before but this one is from Nintendo.
Is it me or, is Tintina playing on Nintendo Switch?
No Time To Fortnite.
Protect the Sable family. (Including the dog!)
18 retro games to enjoy, including some first-ever localized releases.
Sell swords by day, enter "Jikai" by night.
Langrisser, Brigandine... No offense but, Fire Emblem has no competition. 😛
SEGA really had a flair for presentation from the very beginning.
Ugh, why would you want to play as a spider.
Growing up with this franchise it always seems peculiar to see Naruto as a father. 😁
She actually uses her bow for melee attacks.
March 13.
Monkeys have classes too.
It makes no sense and that's exactly what makes the game so exciting. 😄
Brotherly hate.
Xatu a un mauvais pressentiment.
Inspired by the Mega Man Battle Network games. March 26.
With a look at Mission Mode, Arcade Mode and more.
Part 2 has arrived.
More characters and new versions join the brawl.