Double Dragon Neon – Nintendo Switch Launch Trailer
Game so visibly uninteresting, even Nintendo didn't publish the trailer on their channel. 🙄
Game so visibly uninteresting, even Nintendo didn't publish the trailer on their channel. 🙄
To The Moon's spiritual sequel.
I... genuinely don't know what to say.
The devs would need to further develop where they see a correlation between puzzles and communism.
If you know about Among Us, you know what this is all about.
That title is misleading.
Your favorite fighting game but everybody is a cat.
Let's put your parking skills to the test.
Side-scroll brawling in the Amazonian jungle.
January 26.
The wait ended on December 23.
[insert cat pun here]
Let your Stonegrinder crush them all through more than 200 levels.
Both beloved titles are coming to Nintendo Switch this Summer 2021.
And the game everybody talks about gets its first console launch... on Nintendo Switch. 👌
For once, the character launches at the same time on Nintendo Switch as on other platforms.
And Gogeta [SS4] coming soon...
It's "Megaton Kyuu Musashi" but in Western documents they did call the game Megaton Musashi.
Snowmando wants you on the frontlines.
Once upon a dance.