Did You Know Nintendo of America?

NintendObserverWe the fans don’t know these people. We the fans don’t know Nintendo.


☆ NintendObs Weekly – Monday, March 24, 2014 – Sunday, March 30, 2014.

NintendObserver Nintendo Minute



Dan Adelman left Nintendo to become his own business.


I was reading this VentureBeat interview of Nintendo of America senior manager of licensing marketing Damon Baker on NoA’s licensing department, and I realized that Damon has been seen a couple of times in American Nintendo Directs when scouting him on LinkedIn. I thus came up with the idea to look into the careers of NoA figures that we the fans have come to see on different Nintendo occasions, in order to get a better grasp at WHO Nintendo of America really is.


Did you know:

  • Dan Adelman, Nintendo’s “Indie Man,” was on the launch team for the XBLA on the first Xbox?
  • Krysta, from Nintendo Minute, is responsible for NoA’s entire social media presence? (9 Facebook pages, 2 Twitter accounts, Youtube channel, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr)
  • Kit, her Nintendo Minute partner, boasts a 8-year career in videogames through third-party companies Konami and Bandai Namco Games?
  • Bill Trinen, always translating for Miyamoto, spent relatively his entire career at Nintendo for more than fifteen years now, supported by a major in Japanese? (Akin to Platinum Games’ JP Kellams.)


NintendObserver Nintendo Minute


All I mean to say is this: we the fans don’t know these people. We don’t know Nintendo. We don’t know this industry, and this is why I’m taking it upon myself to observe it.



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And if you’ve already got yours, here are all the games already available on the platform. 😀