Pokémon: ‘Episode 5 of Pokémon: Twilight Wings, the Galar Region Animated Series’

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☆ NintendObs Weekly – Monday, June 1, 2020 – Sunday, June 7, 2020.

Pokémon Twilight Wings



Pokémon Twilight Wings

Episode 5 of Pokémon: Twilight Wings, the Galar Region Animated Series

The fifth episode of this seven-episode animated series is now available on Pokémon TV and YouTube.


June 04, 2020


You can now catch the fifth episode of Pokémon: Twilight Wings, the seven-episode limited animated series set in the Galar region, on Pokémon TV and the official Pokémon YouTube channel. The first four episodes are also available to watch so you can catch up on the whole story.

In the previous episode, Gym Leader Nessa overcame pressure to choose the path she wanted to take in life. In this episode, the story focuses on Oleana, Chairman Rose’s assistant. Oleana works hard to keep Galar running smoothly, and a constant stream of problems to solve can certainly be daunting. However, every now and again, things are put into perspective, and we’re reminded of the importance of what we do. You can see what sparks this realization for Oleana in this latest episode, titled “Assistant.”


New Pokémon: Twilight Wings episodes will be released monthly, so check back to find out when the next episode will premiere. Remember, you can catch the fifth episode of Pokémon: Twilight Wings now on Pokémon TV—here on Pokemon.com or using the Pokémon TV mobile app—or on the official Pokémon YouTube channel.


— Pokémon News
Source: Pokémon.



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