Nintendo Q1 FY3/2020: Consolidated Operating Results

NintendObserverSo Super Mario Maker 2 sold 2.42 million units in three days (the third day being a Sunday).


☆ NintendObs Event – Nintendo Q1 FY3/2020.

Nintendo Q1 FY3/2020



Consolidated Operating Results

During the first quarter of this period (April through June 2019), for Nintendo Switch, Super Mario Maker 2 released in June and has gotten off to a good start with 2.42 million units sold. In addition, sales of titles released in previous fiscal years and titles released by other software publishers continued to grow at a steady pace, including Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, which sold 1.2 million units (17.89 million units on a cumulative basis). As a result, hardware and software sales reached 2.13 million units (13.2% increase on a year-on-year basis) and 22.62 million units (25.9% increase on a year-on-year basis) respectively.

For Nintendo 3DS, hardware sales totaled 0.2 million units (44.9% decrease on a year-on-year basis), while software sales came to 1.48 million units (49.7% decrease on a year-on-year basis).

Turning to our digital business for dedicated video game platforms, sales of downloadable versions of packaged software and download-only software for Nintendo Switch showed particularly steady growth, bringing digital sales to 30.6 billion yen (65.3% increase on a year-on-year basis).

For the mobile business, many consumers continue to enjoy titles that were released in previous years, and our mobile, IP related income reached 10 billion yen (10.0% increase on a year-on-year basis).

In total, net sales reached 172.1 billion yen (including overseas sales of 131.7 billion yen, or 76.5% of the total sales). Operating profit came to 27.4 billion yen. As a result of foreign exchange losses of 12 billion yen and other factors, ordinary profit came to 22.2 billion yen and profit attributable to owners of parent totaled 16.6 billion yen.


Source: Nintendo JP.



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