Pokémon Sword Shield Expansion Pass: ‘The bonds between Calyrex and its loyal steed’

NintendObserverHow Calyrex came to reign over the Crown Tundra.


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Pokémon Sword Shield Expansion Pass



The bonds between Calyrex and its loyal steed


Stories tell of a ruffian Pokémon that once reigned like a lord over the other Pokémon of the Crown Tundra. Time and again, it would grow enraged with humans who intruded on its territory, and it would hurt those humans and their Pokémon. But then the Legendary Pokémon Calyrex appeared and defeated the ruffian, which eventually bonded with the regal Pokémon and became its loyal steed.



Pokémon Sword Shield Expansion Pass


Source: Pokémon Sword Shield.
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