Niantic Labs: ‘Making an Impact on Designs of the Future at SIGGRAPH Asia’

NintendObserver“I think continued investment in these programs is necessary for our company, especially because it positions us as leaders in supporting designers of the future who will be at the forefront of modern animation practices.”


☆ NintendObs Weekly – Monday, February 11, 2019 – Sunday, February 17, 2019.




Making an Impact on Designs of the Future at SIGGRAPH ASIA


February 13, 2019




The backbone of Niantic’s compelling technology is our team of dedicated designers and animators. Executing an immersive real-world experience requires no shortage of creativity, and we support Niantics who are committed to fostering the minds of the future and furthering the design industry.

Niantic designer Mako Ueda has played an integral role in helping Niantic develop and maintain the visual style for both Pokémon GO and Ingress. In her spare time, she contributes as a sub-committee member of SIGGRAPH, which focuses on the innovation and application of computer graphics and interactive design techniques. Recently, at SIGGRAPH Asia, Mako assisted the student volunteers, providing guidance and even designing the uniforms they wore throughout the weekend. She also led an initiative to bring a rich and engaging Niantic presence to the event.

During the event, which was held from December 4 to December 7, 2018, Mako spent time speaking to eager designers–both student and professional–who attended the event, and staged a special in-game appearance of Pikachu and Eevee in Pokémon GO. There was also plenty of Niantic-related swag which Mako handed out to student volunteers.




“More than 250 talented students worldwide participated in this international, week-long program to enrich their education and make meaningful recruiting connections,” Mako said. “I was so proud to represent Niantic at a design and technology conference with such a global reputation.”

Education is a key tenant of our work at Niantic, and we see ongoing learning for students of all backgrounds as an important part of our work. Exposure to the world of design and how it integrates into technology helps inspire students with the knowledge that they can make an impact across a variety of spaces and categories, expanding the space in which citizens have an impact on the world. The SIGGRAPH Asia event provided students with the opportunity to learn more about the roles that exist in digital design and animation.

“I think continued investment in these programs is necessary for our company, especially because it positions us as leaders in supporting designers of the future who will be at the forefront of modern animation practices,” Mako said. “I’m looking forward to helping Niantic make an even bigger impact on this event next year.”


—The Niantic team


Source: Niantic Labs.



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