With pictures of how it all unfolded.
☆ NintendObs Event – Nintendo E3 2018.
Nintendo Crowns Tournament Winners
Nintendo finished the first day of the E3 video game trade show in Los Angeles with two competitive champions.
Nintendo crowned ZeRo of Chile the champion of the Super Smash Bros. Invitational 2018 tournament. A longtime player of Super Smash Bros. for Wii U, ZeRo defeated seven other top-ranked Super Smash Bros. players from around the world to successfully defend his title from Nintendo’s Super Smash Bros. Invitational in 2014. ZeRo emerged as the top player of the new Super Smash Bros. Ultimate game for the Nintendo Switch system. In the final match, ZeRo used Mario to defeat runner-up MkLeo of Mexico, who played as Sonic.
In both head-to-head and two-on-two matches, the tournament showcased new fighters like Ridley from the Metroid series and returning favorites from past games in the franchise.
In other competitive news, the GG BoyZ of Japan emerged triumphant at the Splatoon 2 World Championship. Made up of Taiji, etona, yamamicchi and Dynamon, the GG BoyZ inked their way to glory by defeating BackSquids, the German team representing Europe in the competition.
Source: E3 Nintendo.
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