NoE: ‘Special editions of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon announced!’

NintendObserverUltra Dual and Fan Editions, each with their own Steelbook.


☆ NintendObs Weekly – Monday, July 10, 2017 – Sunday, July 16, 2017.

Pokémon Ultra Sun Ultra Moon



Special editions of Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon announced!

Ultra Dual and Fan Editions to arrive alongside new adventures on November 17th. 


Version française ici : Des éditions spéciales de Pokémon Ultra-Soleil et Pokémon Ultra-Lune annoncées ! 😉 



Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon will offer a fresh adventure through the tropical Alola region when they launch exclusively for Nintendo 3DS family systems on November 17th.


On the same day, the Pokémon Ultra Sun & Pokémon Ultra Moon – Ultra Dual Edition*, as well as Fan Editions of both individual games, will also be available.


Pokémon Ultra Sun & Pokémon Ultra Moon – Ultra Dual Edition


Pokémon Ultra Sun Ultra Moon


Contains: retail versions of both Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon, a SteelBook® and two download codes each containing 50 potions.


Pokémon Ultra Sun – Fan Edition*


Pokémon Ultra Sun


Contains: retail version of Pokémon Ultra Sun and a SteelBook®.


Pokémon Ultra Moon – Fan Edition*


Pokémon Ultra Moon


Contains: retail version of Pokémon Ultra Moon and a SteelBook®.


Pokémon Ultra Sun and Pokémon Ultra Moon will be available in shops and as downloadable versions from Nintendo eShop on Nintendo 3DS family systems on November 17th.


— Nintendo UK News
Source: Nintendo UK.



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…Wanna play? Buy a 3DS.

And if you’ve already got yours, click on Pokémon Ultra Sun & Ultra Moon for everything you need to know about the games. 😀