Live from the Squid Research Lab – April 14, 2017 #2

NintendObserveramiibo gear return.


☆ NintendObs Weekly – Monday, April 10, 2017 – Sunday, April 16, 2017.

Splatoon 2



Splatoon 2


Befriend an amiibo character and it can remember your current gear, player settings, and camera options. This comes in handy when waging Turf War at a friend’s house, or as a convenient way to have a special pre-set loadout ready-to-go.


Splatoon 2 Splatoon 2 Splatoon 2


Compatible amiibo will also sometimes give you special in-game gear.


Splatoon amiibo


Here at the lab, we’re happy we can report that even the original Splatoon-series amiibo will be compatible. Now where did we place that Callie amiibo?


— Squid Research Lab
Source: Splatoon’s Tumblr.



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…Wanna play? Buy a Switch.

And if you’ve already got yours, click on Splatoon 2 for everything you need to know about the game. 😀