Pokémon: ‘Ultra Beasts Threaten Alola’

NintendObserverAbsorption for Sun and Beauty for Moon. 


☆ NintendObs Weekly – Monday, September 12, 2016 – Sunday, September 18, 2016.

Pokémon Sun Moon



Pokémon Sun Moon

Ultra Beasts Threaten Alola

Get the details on two more Ultra Beasts coming in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon.


September 14, 2016


During your adventure in Pokémon Sun and Pokémon Moon, the Ultra Beasts appear—and attack the Alola region! UB-01 was recently revealed, and now there are two more: UB-02 Absorption and UB-02 Beauty. Their numbers and purposes are not known, but it does look like there may be additional Ultra Beasts beyond UB-01 and UB-02.


The Ultra Beast known as UB-02 Absorption appears in Pokémon Sun, and the extent of its strength is unknown. Its entire body is covered with bulging, powerful muscles. The full force of a punch powered by these muscles would be off the charts! Its distinctively long mouth is said to be harder than diamonds. Could the Ultra Beast also use it to attack?

The Ultra Beast with the codename UB-02 Beauty appears in Pokémon Moon. What kind of power does it possess? Its narrow, graceful legs allow it to accelerate with such explosive speed that people claim it can dodge lightning! It is said that any Pokémon that sees UB-02 Beauty, regardless of its own gender, will become infatuated with it and lose the will to battle. The exact reason for this reaction—whether it’s an unidentified pheromone exuded by UB-02 Beauty or a hypnotic effect induced by its appearance—has not been determined.


Visit Pokemon.com/SunMoon for more details about Pokémon Sun andPokémon Moon, arriving later this year!


— Pokémon News
Source: Pokémon.



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