Pictures from Nintendo, Nicktoons and Nintendo World Store’s Little Battlers eXperience Event

NintendObserverMust have been quite the cozy experience. 🙂


☆ NintendObs Weekly – Monday, August 24, 2015 – Sunday, August 30, 2015.

Little Battlers eXperience



Little Battlers eXperience
In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, Marques Y. (left), 10 years old from Toronto, Canada, reacts to winning a 3-on-3 battle in Little Battlers eXperience, the new Nintendo 3DS game based on the popular Nicktoons TV show, as his father Randolph G. watches. Nintendo partnered with Nickelodeon for an exclusive screening of two new episodes of Nicktoons’ LBX: Little Battlers eXperience TV show at the Nintendo World store in New York on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015. Attendees were able to play the new Nintendo 3DS game based on the show with experts from Nintendo. The new game lets players customize their own mini robots using more than 4,000 parts and battle other players’ robots.


Little Battlers eXperience
In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, fans gather at the Nintendo World store in New York on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015, for an exclusive advance screening of two new episodes of Nicktoons’ LBX: Little Battlers eXperience TV show. Fans were also able to play the new Nintendo 3DS game based on the show with experts from Nintendo. The game, which is now available, allows players to customize their own mini robots using more than 4,000 parts and battle other players’ robots.


Little Battlers eXperience
In this photo provided by Nintendo of America, players compete in 3-on-3 battles in Little Battlers eXperience, the new Nintendo 3DS game based on the popular Nicktoons TV show. Game-play activities were part of a larger event hosted by Nintendo and Nickelodeon at the Nintendo World store in New York on Saturday, Aug. 22, 2015. In addition to playing the game, lucky fans were able to attend an exclusive screening of two new episodes of the TV show before they air on Nicktoons later this fall.


Source: Business Wire.



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…Wanna play? Buy a 3DS.

And if you’ve already got yours, click on Little Battlers eXperience for everything you need to know about the game. 😀