Nintendo Q3 FY3/2015: Consolidated Sales Units and Sales Units Forecasts

NintendObserver3DS at 50.41 M, Wii U at 9.20 M as of December 31, 2014. New forecasts included.


☆ NintendObs Event – Nintendo Q3 FY3/2015.

Nintendo Q3 FY3/2015



Nintendo 3DS


Actual,  Apr. – Dec. ‘14

7,080,000 units sold

Forecast, Apr. ’14 – Mar. ’15

9,000,000 units expected

Life-to-date, Dec. ’14

50,410,000 units total



Actual,  Apr. – Dec. ’14

53,040,000 units sold

Forecast, Apr. ’14 – Mar. ’15

61,000,000 units expected

Life-to-date, Dec. ’14

215,960,000 units total




Actual, Apr. – Dec. ’14

380,000 units sold

Forecast, Apr. ’14 – Mar. ’15

500,000 units expected

Life-to-date, Dec. ’14

101,440,000 units total



Actual,  Apr. – Dec. ’14

10,050,000 units sold

Forecast, Apr. ’14 – Mar. ’15

11,000,000 units expected

Life-to-date, Dec. ’14

905,270,000 units total


Wii U


Actual, Apr. – Dec. ’14

3,030,000 units sold

Forecast, Apr. ’14 – Mar. ’15

3,600,000 units expected

Life-to-date, Dec. ’14

9,200,000 units total



Actual,  Apr. – Dec. ’14

20,590,000 units sold

Forecast, Apr. ’14 – Mar. ’15

25,000,000 units expected

Life-to-date, Dec. ’14

52,870,000 units total


Source: Nintendo JP.



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