Mario Kart 8 in the streets of Tokyo

NintendObserverMario Kart in real life. (Minus the anti-gravity.)


☆ NintendObs Weekly – Monday, November 17, 2014 – Sunday, November 23, 2014.

Real Mario Kart



Real Mario Kart
‘People take photos of participants as they drive around Tokyo in Mario Kart characters for the Real Mario Kart event in Tokyo on November 16, 2014 in Tokyo, Japan.’


Real Mario Kart
‘Luigi drives around Tokyo for the Real Mario Kart event in Tokyo.’


Real Mario Kart
‘Bystanders laugh and take photos of participants as they drive around Tokyo as Mario Kart characters.’


Real Mario Kart
‘People take photos of participants as they drive around Tokyo in Mario Kart characters for the Real Mario Kart event in Tokyo on November 16, 2014 in Tokyo, Japan.’


Real Mario Kart
‘Princess Peach poses for photo for the Real Mario Kart event in Tokyo.’


Real Mario Kart
‘Bystanders take photos of participants as they drive around Tokyo in Mario Kart characters for the Real Mario Kart event.’


Real Mario Kart
‘Super Star is seen at the Real Mario Kart event in Tokyo on November 16, 2014.’


Real Mario Kart
‘Princess Peach drives around Tokyo for the Real Mario Kart event in Tokyo.’


Real Mario Kart
‘Mario looks in his rearview mirror at the Real Mario Kart event in Tokyo.’


Real Mario Kart
‘People take photos of participants as they drive around Tokyo as Mario Kart characters.’


Real Mario Kart
‘Participants drive around Tokyo in Mario Kart characters for the Real Mario Kart event.’


Source and captions:



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…Wanna play? Buy a Wii U.

And if you’ve already got yours, click on Mario Kart for everything you need to know about the franchise. 😀